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5 steps to beating a bout of back pain
What you should expect in this course
Prevalence and nature of back pain (4:27)
The information this course is based upon
Downloadable accompanying materials
Step 1- Don't panic
Aims and objectives of step 1
Causes of back pain (3:19)
Is your back pain more serious? (5:40)
Do you need an x-ray or MRI scan? (3:36)
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Step 2 - Stay active and keep mobile
Aims and Objectives of step 2
Work and back pain (3:04)
Getting back to work workseet
Mobility exercises for the back
Cat-Camel (0:55)
Low back rotations (0:57)
Knee to chest (1:10)
Back extensions (1:11)
Childs pose (1:04)
Standing mobility exercises (0:57)
Developing your exercise program
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Step 3- Pain relieving strategies
Aims and objectives of Step 3
How to reduce pain without medication (4:17)
Medication options (5:15)
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Step 4- Treatment options
Aims and objectives of Step 4
What is recommended in the guidelines (6:18)
Manipulation, mobilisation and massage (4:39)
Acupuncture (4:23)
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Step 5- Action plan and how to prevent a recurrence
Aims and Objectives of Step 5
How to monitor improvement effectively (4:17)
Personalised prescription and outcome measure worksheets
Your personalised prescription - ACTION PLAN (5:14)
How to prevent a recurrence (5:04)
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Building a "Pain free walking program"
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